

A COMMUNITY prayerfully seeking to glorify God, by following Jesus and partnering with the Holy Spirit, so the world may know Him.


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Sunday Mornings

Current Sermon Series Ezra and Nehemiah

All of us experience exile one way or another. But exile doesn’t mean God has given up; it’s actually the beginning of God’s great work to restore and renew His people... and through the restoration of his people, the restoration of the world.

Join us as we study Ezra and Nehemiah as we see God’s people return to the land to rebuild and restore what was once destroyed. Join us as we see: Exile Isn't the End of the Story.

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Our Address

Fellowship Bible Church, Searcy
1009 East Beebe-Capps
Searcy, AR 72143


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Service Times

Sunday Mornings
Fellowship Kids 9:30am
Monday Evenings
Sanctuary (College Worship)
Wednesday Evenings
Fellowship Student Ministries

Outreach We Serve

Service is the overflow of discipleship. It seeks to extend God’s grace and mercy to others for His glory and not our own. We serve as an expression of love and stewardship of grace, marked by humility, generosity and hospitality.

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Contact Info

1009 E Beebe-Capps Expressway
Searcy, AR 72143
501.279.9900 | info@fellowshipsearcy.org